Posted by: jennclimenhaga | June 26, 2007

Trojan Odyssey

Cussler, Clive.  Trojan Odyssey.  New York:  G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2003.

 Never disappointing, Clive Cussler presents another Dirk Pitt novel with suspense, action, and gripping turns of plot.  In the novel, Dirk finds himself in the middle of a mystery spanning centuries.  What really happened when Troy fell?  Underwater exploration by Dirk Jr. and his sister Summer reveal Bronze Age artifacts that defy modern understandings of Homer’s Iliad, at the same time a dark brown murky substance threatens to overcome Caribbean waters.  Dirk Pitt, his offspring, and his ever present sidekick Al, must battle an enemy who borders on a level with the worlds worst sociopaths.  I’m always amazed at the amount of action that Cussler can pack into 500 pages!

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